



Here you will find all the services included in the basic package available with participation in the Salone del Mobile 2025.


Matchmaking is the service that enables you to collect contact details of visitors to your stand. Using the Salone del Mobile.Milano App, you can collect the data of operators visiting your stand by scanning the QR code on their ticket. The data collected will be available in your reserved area on the Salone del Mobile platform.


Appointment at the Stand

To facilitate meetings with interested operators, you can use the Appointment at the stand service. Appointment at the stand enables you to create personalized meetings with sector operators and schedule appointments with your sales team through an integrated agenda. The service can be managed from the exhibitors’ reserved area on the Salone’s digital platform. In the “Appointment at the Stand” section you can configure the slots to be made available for appointments, view booking requests received from the operators and manage appointments.

Brand Page

This is the page introducing your company, where the main information that is distinctive to the brand can be uploaded/published, complemented by an image, photogalleries and videos that can best represent the company.

The video tutorial will help you to best personalise your brand page.

Watch the video

The guide to content upload will help you to best personalise your brand page.

Download the guide
Instructions picture

Brand Page

This is the page introducing your company, where the main information that is distinctive to the brand can be uploaded/published, complemented by an image, photogalleries and videos that can best represent the company.

Product Page

Product pages allow companies to improve the visibility of the products they want to promote and enhance, providing a complete presentation in both visual and technical terms.

The video tutorial will help you to best personalise your product page.

Watch the video

The guide to content upload will help you to best personalise your product page.

Download the guide
Instructions picture

Product Page

Product pages allow companies to improve the visibility of the products they want to promote and enhance, providing a complete presentation in both visual and technical terms.

QR code

The service makes it possible to generate QR codes for the brand and product pages published on the digital platform by selecting the "Product on display" flag when creating pages. The QR codes generated can be printed on any desired support and placed next to the products on display. By scanning the QR-codes visitors will automatically open the pages on the platform and discover the features of the company and the products indicated by the exhibitor, save the product pages among their favorites and consult them later.


The interactive map allows visitors to search for individual exhibitors and points of interest and to create visit routes between stands. A QR code marking exhibitor's position at the fair can be included in communications to customers to lead them directly to one's own stand.


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Brand logo

The Salone Internazionale del Mobile was founded in 1961 as a vehicle for promoting Italian furniture and furnishings exports and soon became the most keenly awaited event in the world of furniture.